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Not only parents to pay for meals in kindergartens of Kyrgyzstan

The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan in the third reading approved the bill, according to which parents will not be the only source of funding for meals in kindergartens.

Recall, a new version of the Law «On Education» was adopted on August 11, 2023, where part 6 of Article 28 says that the meals in preschool educational organizations are organized at the expense of parents (legal representatives). Therefore, the Ministry of Finance should stop financing meals in preschool educational institutions.

The deputies explained this by the fact that if the burden of paying for meals in kindergartens is transferred only to parents, the rights of citizens to receive free preschool education may be violated. There is a risk that in such a case vulnerable segments of the population, who are unable to pay for a child’s meals, will not be able to receive free preschool education guaranteed by the Constitution. Deputies have initiated a bill that proposes to repeal the recent amendments. That is, to recognize part 6 of Article 28 of the Law «On Education» as invalid.

The document was drafted by the members of Parliament Elvira Surabaldieva, Vinera Raimbachaeva, Alisher Erbaev, Shailoobek Atazov, Alisher Kozuev, Yrysbek Atazhanov, Karim Khanjeza, Bakyt Tentishev, Kubanychbek Samakov, Mirgul Temirbaeva, Nadira Narmatova, Abdybahab Boronbaev, Dastan Bekeshev, Zhanybek Kydykbaev, Talant Mamytov, Sultanbai Aizhigitov, Mirlan Samyikozho and Nurlanbek Azygaliev.

Previously, the principle of co-payment was in effect in preschool organizations of the republic: 50 percent is paid by local authorities, and the rest is paid by parents.
