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Kyrgyzstan has more than 26,500 species of plants and animals

There are more than 26,500 species of plants and animals in Kyrgyzstan. The Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision provided the data.

The ministry notes that despite the fact that Kyrgyzstan is a small country in terms of area (only 0.13 percent of all land on the planet), about 2 percent of all plant species and more than 3 percent of all animal species that exist on Earth are found here.

«According to experts’ estimates, there are more than 26,500 species of plants and animals on the territory of our country, many of which are unique and found only in our country (endemics). However, the republic faces the challenge of preserving this incredible diversity. Due to human activity, many species have already disappeared and others are threatened with extinction, which means that their numbers are constantly decreasing. For example, three species of large and medium-sized mammals such as tigers, red wolves and bison have already disappeared,» the Ministry of Natural Resources said.

At least 26 species of birds are under serious threat of extinction. More than 150 species of insects and over 30 other invertebrates also face a real risk of extinction. Two species of invertebrates have been recognized as endangered in our country.

The list of endangered and threatened species to be included in the Red Book of the Kyrgyz Republic includes 57 species of birds, 23 species of mammals, 2 species of amphibians, 8 species of reptiles, 7 species of fish, 18 species of arthropods, as well as 89 species of higher plants and fungi.

«The Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Technical Supervision is taking concrete measures to protect ecosystems and ensure the survival of all species, including the unique endemics that make our nature so rich, as well as steps to increase the number of protected areas and develop programs to restore and protect biodiversity. In addition, it is actively participating in international efforts to combat climate change and preserve nature,» the Ministry of Natural Resources said.
