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Avalanches expected on roads of Kyrgyzstan

Avalanches are expected on some roads in Kyrgyzstan. The press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.

According to the Hydrometeorological Service, avalanches, snow drifts and ice are expected in the in the mountainous regions of the republic from March 25 to March 28 due to rising air temperatures.

These are the following roads:

  • On the 68-113th kilometers of Ala-Buka — Kanysh-Kiya — Kyzyl-Adyr road (on Chapchyma pass);
  • On 0-3 kilometers of Kyzyl-Bel — Ak-Tash road;
  • On the 121-138th kilometers of Bishkek — Osh road (on Too-Ashuu pass), on the 198-260th kilometers (on Ala-Bel pass, in Chychkan gorge).

The Ministry of Emergency Situations recommends strictly keeping a distance of 500 meters between vehicles when driving through avalanche-prone areas.
