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Shootout in Kara-Balta: Police officer runs away from his colleagues

Detective of the State Service on Drug Control for Chui region ran away from special forces and the State Committee for National Security officers when they wanted to detain him. Kaktus.media reported, citing sources in law enforcement agencies.

According to the media outlet, the detention took place on the evening of March 19 on one of the city streets during a special operation carried out by employees of the Department of the State Committee for National Security for Chui region.

«A front man met with the State Service on Drug Control employee and gave him the marked money. At this time the arrest was supposed to take place, but the suspect noticed something and immediately drove away. The special forces opened fire at the wheels, but the suspect managed to escape. At the same time, the State Service on Drug Control employee managed to throw away the marked money. The search for the suspect is currently underway. A little later, the source in law enforcement agencies added that not one State Service on Drug Control for Chui region employee, but three are being searched,» the media outlet reports.
