Kadyr Tun falls on April 5-6

15:28, 18 марта 2024, Bishkek - uzsushi.com news agency , Zamira NIYAZBEKOVA

Kadyr Tun (Night of Power or Destiny) falls on April 5-6 this year. The Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan (SDMK) informed uzsushi.com news agency.

The muftiyat noted that Kadyr Tun is celebrated from the 26th to the 27th day of Orozo fast.

«The Night of Destiny is a night of blessings and goodness. The Quran states that it is better than a thousand months, which is 83 years and 4 months. At night, it is customary to ask for forgiveness for sins and read the Quran,» the SDMK said.

One should not spend this night in entertainment places. Kadyr Tun is spent at home or in a mosque.

Kadyr Tun is a Kyrgyz name, translated into Russian as Night of Destiny, and in Arabic it sounds like Laylat al-Qadr or Al-Qadr.