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Deputy Mederbek Aliyev proposes to establish Father's Day in Kyrgyzstan

Deputy of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan Mederbek Aliyev proposed establishing Father’s Day in Kyrgyzstan. The corresponding draft resolution has been submitted for public discussion.

According to the deputy, the initiative recognizes the role and contribution of fathers in the development of society; it is aimed at strengthening the family and increasing the responsibility of men in the family.

«Undoubtedly, one of the fundamental values of the Kyrgyz people is honoring the elders and respect for the younger ones. Our people have always cherished their age-old traditions, honoring and respecting wise, farsighted elders. In the heart of every Kyrgyz lives a sense of gratitude to our caring fathers. It is not for nothing that our people call great people ’ata’ as a sign of respect — Bakai ata, Manas ata, and there is such a concept as ’zheti ata’ (seven generations of fathers),» the background statement says.

Mederbek Aliyev also notes that traditions of respect and veneration of fathers, recognition of the importance of their role in bringing up children, strengthening the family, their contribution to the development of society have deep roots among the peoples of Kyrgyzstan. Fathers play a key role in shaping the personality of children and developing social skills and values in them. This draft law helps to emphasize and recognize the role of fathers, and provides them with the opportunity to feel deep gratitude and appreciation from children, family and society. It can also promote the role of fathers in parenting and remove stereotypes that it is the sole responsibility of mothers to care for children.

The author of the bill adds that Father’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. He proposes to celebrate it in the Kyrgyz Republic on March 15.
