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Freedom House ranks Kyrgyzstan as not free country again

The international non-governmental organization Freedom House has again included Kyrgyzstan in the category of not free countries. Annual report Freedom in the World 2024 says.

The level of freedom in the Kyrgyz Republic, as last year, was rated at 27 points out of 100, political rights — 4 points out of 40, civil liberties — 23 points out of 60.

Since 2009, the Kyrgyz Republic was the only Central Asian country included in the category of partly free countries, but in 2021 it joined the ranks of unfree states and since then has not been able to leave this category.

Kazakhstan scored 23 points out of 100, Uzbekistan — 12, Tajikistan — 5, Armenia — 54, Russia — 13, Belarus — 8.

Finland became the leader of the rating with the maximum possible 100 points. It is followed by Sweden, New Zealand and Norway. Experts rated the UK at 91 points, the USA — at 83 points.

In general, as the authors of the report say, Global freedom declined for the 18th consecutive year in 2023. The breadth and depth of the deterioration were extensive. Political rights and civil liberties were diminished in 52 countries, while only 21 countries made improvements. Flawed elections and armed conflict contributed to the decline, endangering freedom and causing severe human suffering.

The new report says that election manipulation, military action and attacks on the principle of pluralism — the peaceful coexistence of people with different political views, religions and ethnicities — are key reasons for the deterioration of the situation in the world.

Currently, nearly 38 percent of the world’s population lives in countries rated «not free,» 42 percent live in «partly free» countries and only 20 percent live in «free» countries.
