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NGO law: Provision on criminal liability removed from document

The Committee on Constitutional Legislation, State Structure, Judicial, Legal Issues and Regulations of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan considered the bill on NGOs out of schedule.

The initiator of the draft law, Nadira Narmatova, said that it was decided to remove the provision on criminal liability from the document. «We took into account the proposals of civil society, the international expert group and deputies and excluded the provision on criminal liability,» the deputy said.

Deputy Gulya Kozhokulova asked to determine the concept of «political activity.»

«To be honest, questions arise about this terminology, because it is very, very extensive. Everyone can interpret it in their own way. The criteria should be clearly outlined here. The Ministry of Justice simply read the concept to me,» she noted.

According to the parliament deputy, they did not have time to prepare for the consideration of the bill.

After long discussions, deputies supported the proposal to remove the provision on criminal liability from the bill.
