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Housing for orphans: Three children receive apartments in Mailuu-Suu

Three orphans received municipal apartments in Mailuu-Suu town, Jalal-Abad region. The prosecutor’s office of the region reported.

According to its data, 10,696 children under 18 live in Mailuu-Suu town. At least 10 of them are full orphans.

«In December 2023, the prosecutor’s office of Mailuu-Suu issued an instruction to the mayor of the town to eliminate violations related to the issuance of a municipal apartment to another full orphan, which was not done when he reached 16 years old,» the department said.

According to prosecutor Ernest Asakeyev, a resident of the town M.A. appealed to the prosecutor’s office with a statement.

The facts testify to the superficial attitude to this problem of certain state bodies and the lack of proper control over the provision of housing for such citizens, the prosecutor’s office noted.
