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European Parliament ready to expand cooperation with Ombudsman of Kyrgyzstan

Ombudsperson of Kyrgyzstan Jamilya Jamanbayeva met and discussed human rights with members of the European Parliament. The press service of the Ombudsperson reported.

She noted that the institute of akyikatchi strives to strengthen democracy, ensure fundamental norms and standards of human rights and freedoms.

"A draft constitutional law «On Akyikatchi (Ombudsman) of the Kyrgyz Republic» has been developed.» If adopted, the independence of the institution will be enhanced and its mandate will be expanded. The bill is currently being considered by the Parliament. It has been examined by such authoritative international organizations as the Venice Commission, OSCE/ODIHR and UN OHCHR. We held public hearings with the participation of civil society," she said.

According to member of the European Parliament Tomáš Zdechovský, Kyrgyzstan occupies a leading position in promoting democratic principles in Central Asia.

«In this regard, we are ready to cooperate with you more, because we want to see good results,» he said.
