USD 87.45
EUR 94.92
RUB 1.03

About 600,000 schoolchildren provided with hot meals in Kyrgyzstan

Provision of meals for about 600,000 children is financed from the republican budget in Kyrgyzstan. The Minister of Education and Science Dogdurkul Kendirbaeva announced at the First Forum on School Meals in the CIS countries.

She noted that the main goal of the national program is to provide primary school students with healthy hot meals. It contributes to quality education by making children more efficient and motivated to learn.

The support of the UN World Food Programme within the framework of the program «Optimization of School Meals» in technical equipping and infrastructure improvement, as well as assistance in menu development was noted.

To date, seven soms are allocated from the republican budget for meals for one student of 1st-4th grades (10 soms — in hard-to-reach and high-mountainous areas). In November 2022, the Ministry of Education and Science developed and submitted for public discussion a draft decree to increase the basic amount for meals for primary school student to 20 soms. However, in March it became known that the Cabinet of Ministers could not increase the amount allocated for school meals due to lack of money.
