15:51, 14 сентября 2023, Bishkek - uzsushi.com news agency , Jazgul MASALIEVA
It is necessary to learn to respect the will of the people and strictly observe the Constitution in Kyrgyzstan. The Chairman of the Assembly of People’s Representatives of the 1st convocation and the Legislative Assembly of the 2nd convocation of the Parliament, Abdygany Erkebaev, said in the Parliament.
He noted that, despite criticism in society, all convocations of Parliament must work until the end of the election term.
«Our legendary Parliament was dissolved due to scandals related to gold. There is also criticism against the Parliament now,» Abdygany Erkebaev said.
He called not to restrict or persecute the media with lawsuits.
«One of our main achievements in the Central Asian region is freedom of speech. I am against restrictions on freedom of expression, speech and the work of mass media. It is wrong to file lawsuits against the media,» the ex-speaker noted.
Abdygany Erkebayev also suggested the deputies to review the law on political parties.