Detainees claim torture by police officers of Sokuluk district

12:39, 24 августа 2023, Bishkek - news agency , Darya PODOLSKAYA

The National Center for Prevention of Torture of Kyrgyzstan received allegations of torture by police officers of Sokuluk district from three detainees.

They claim that on July 20 policemen brought one of the suspects to the police department building and in one of the offices they started beating him with their hands, kicking him on the head, putting a bag with vinegar on his head in order to get a confession. The torture continued all night long.

Human rights activists visited the detainee in the temporary detention center and recorded bodily injuries.

According to the statements of other detainees, police officers called them and beat them with their hands, kicked them on the head, and put a bag with vinegar on their heads. Unable to withstand the torture, one of the detainees testified against himself, and the other against his brother and father.

The torture statements were sent to the department of the State Committee for National Security for Chui region.