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More than third of population of Kyrgyzstan are young people

At least 35 percent of the population of Kyrgyzstan are young people. The National Statistical Committee provided such data.

It recalled that young people are the citizens of the republic and stateless persons aged 14 to 35 years. At the beginning of 2023, this group included 2,439 million people. More than half of them (50.1 percent) are men — 1,221 million people, 1,218 million are women.

«The highest proportion of young people is registered in the cities of Bishkek and Osh, the lowest is in Chui and Batken regions,» the National Statistical Committee noted.

According to the results of an integrated sample survey of household budgets and the labor force, there is a decrease in the participation rate of young people aged 15-28 in the labor force (economic activity) from 48.4 percent in 2018 to 46 percent in 2022. At the same time, the youth unemployment rate reduced from 11 percent in 2018 to 8.4 percent in 2022.

«A significant part of young people moves to other countries for permanent residence in search of work, while most of them migrate within the CIS region (mainly to Russia and Kazakhstan). In general, almost a quarter of migrants are young people aged 14-35,» the National Statistical Committee added.

August 12 is International Youth Day.
