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Fake diploma: Farkhodbek Alimzhanov and Farkhat Ismailov deprived of mandates

The Central Election Commission of Kyrgyzstan (CEC) considered the issue of authenticity of higher education diplomas of two deputies of the Parliament — Farkhat Ismailov (Ata Zhurt Kyrgyzstan faction) and Farkhodbek Alimzhanov (Alliance faction).

Representatives of the commission of the Ministry of Education and Science noted that in the course of checking the information received from the State Committee for National Security, it was established that the diploma of higher education was issued to Farkhodbek Alimzhanov with gross violations of regulatory legal acts in the field of education, since he could not retake exams in 2012 and 2015 , because he was outside the country, which is confirmed by the data of the Border Service of the State Committee for National Security.

The Ministry of Education proposed to annul the results of exams, withdraw the diploma of Osh State University of Farkhodbek Alimzhanov, as well as the master’s degree he received at the Academy of Management under the President of Kyrgyzstan.

The CEC canceled the registration of Farkhodbek Alimzhanov as a deputy of the Parliament on the list of Alliance party.

The CEC made a similar decision regarding Farkhat Ismailov. As it turned out, according to the commission of the Ministry of Education and Science, he was not on the list of students of the Kyrgyz National University in the years indicated by him. His diploma in Accounting and Audit was invalidated, as was his later Master of Law degree.

Recall, the CEC received the materials of the State Committee for National Security on April 8, 2022. Then they sent a request to the Ministry of Education. The statement of the KNU rectorate that Farkhat Ismailov did not receive a diploma was not enough to start a discussion.
