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Hepatitis diagnostics improved in Kyrgyzstan

An increase in the incidence of chronic viral hepatitis by 2.3 times is registered in Kyrgyzstan due to improved diagnostics. The Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision reported.

At least 2,461 cases were registered for four months of 2023 compared to 1,057 cases for the same period in 2022.

Director of the Republican Center for Control of Blood-borne Viral Hepatitis and HIV Umutkan Chokmorova said at a briefing that free vaccination of the population against hepatitis B has begun in Kyrgyzstan since December 2022.

«Before vaccination, the patient is tested for hepatitis, if the result is negative, the person is vaccinated,» she said.

Umutkan Chokmorova added that those wishing to be vaccinated or tested for hepatitis B, C and D should contact a Family Medicine Center.

If the result of express testing is positive, then the patient is sent for PCR testing. «And the final result will be obtained. Diagnosis may be confirmed in two out of 10 people,» Anara Mambetisaeva, chief specialist of the Public Health, Licensing of Medical and Pharmaceutical Services Department of the Ministry of Health, said.
