17:25, 31 мая 2023, Bishkek - uzsushi.com news agency , Jazgul MASALIEVA
Deputy Erulan Kokulov suggested conducting a survey among parents on the need for school meals at a meeting of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan.
According to him, parents do not pay attention to school meals.
«If they were interested, they would ask me. During this time, I have never been asked such a question. They are not interested, they do not even pay attention to school meals. Children are provided with meals for 20 soms, and 400-500 soms are demanded from the parents. The repair costs are also paid by the parents,» Erulan Kokulov said.
Deputy Minister of Education Toktobubu Ashimbaeva replied that parents in the regions ask to improve school meals.
The deputy believes that schools do not need security either. «I went to school with security. They did nothing to help,» he added.