Rally in Bishkek: April revolution participants demand to arrest Bakiyev

13:47, 23 мая 2023, Bishkek - uzsushi.com news agency , Aida DZHUMASHOVA

Participants, as well as relatives of people killed in the April revolution 2010, gathered on the central Ala-Too square in Bishkek.

They read a prayer for the dead, then issued a statement stating that they opposed the arrival of ex-president Kurmanbek Bakiyev, who was overthrown and fled the country after April 7, 2010.

Nuria Aydabosunova, co-chair of Meken Sheyitteri NGO, said that Kurmanbek Bakiyev was found guilty in Kyrgyzstan under a number of articles of the Criminal Code and sentenced to imprisonment by all three courts.

«If Kurmanbek Bakiyev arrives, he should be immediately arrested,» she said.

The hero of the April revolution, Aliyasbek Alymkulov, said that journalist Kadyrbek Koshaliev had no moral right to interview Bakiyev.

«Kadyrbek Koshaliev, return the dead sons to their mothers, heal the wounds of those who was injured, and then return Bakiyev. Nobody gave you, Kadyrbek myrza, the moral right to acquit this person. Members of the People’s Kurultai, look who you have chosen as chairman,» he said.

The Chairman of the People’s Kurultai, Kadyrbek Koshaliev, interviewed Kurmanbek Bakiyev. The interview was published on a YouTube channel on May 16. The National Broadcasting Corporation is conducting an internal investigation based on the interview of its employee and chairman of the People’s Kurultai, Kadyrbek Koshaliev, with the fugitive president.

Residents of Talas demanded resignation of the head of People’s Kurultai.