11:15, 06 апреля 2023, Bishkek - uzsushi.com news agency , Maria ORLOVA
A pilot scheme of voluntary eco-certification in the tourism sector will be for the first time introduced in Kyrgyzstan. Unison Group reports.
According to it, the issue was discussed by international and local green technologies experts. The Technopolis Group team, in partnership with Unison Group, presented the concept of eco-certification and labeling.
«Eco-certification or eco-labeling is a certificate of recognition of products and services that have a lower environmental impact than similar products and services. Eco-labelling in the hospitality industry informs customers about sustainability practices that have been implemented. Quality assessment is used in many European countries, Egypt, Japan and so on,» the initiators noted.
The eco-labeling will contribute to additional demand for eco-hotels, eco-cafes and so on. According to 2019 Sustainable Travel Report by Booking.com, 70 percent of travelers are more likely to book accommodation knowing it is eco-friendly.
At the initial stage, 20 hotels, cafes and restaurants will be selected, where an eco-audit will be carried out and a quality mark will be issued. Its authenticity can be verified in the database.