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Human rights activists ask leaders of Central Asia to ensure seismic safety

Members of the GNDR - Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction - turned to the heads of the Central Asia region in connection with the large-scale earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

Human rights activists noted that systemic threats and risks should be assessed. They recalled that, for example, there are 92 uranium tailings in Kyrgyzstan that require urgent reclamation.

They ask to take urgent preventive measures to protect local communities and hold a multilateral expert meeting with representatives of civil society throughout the region, to support initiatives to promote the green economy and energy.

Two earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 hit southern Turkey on February 6 near Gaziantep city, where more than a million people live. Dozens of aftershocks were registered in Syria, Georgia and other countries.

The Turkish Embassy in Kyrgyzstan announced collection of humanitarian aid. A single deposit account has been opened in Kyrgyzstan to raise funds to help the victims.

The number of victims of the earthquake in Turkey exceeded 24,500 people, more than 80,000 were injured. Almost 4,500 people are reported dead in Syria also affected by the earthquake.
