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Spread of HIV, hepatitis, syphilis among migrants to be studied in Kyrgyzstan

The spread of HIV, hepatitis B and C and syphilis among migrants will be studied for the first time. A biobehavioral research among labor migrants has begun in Kyrgyzstan. The Republican Center for Control of Blood Contact Viral Hepatitis and HIV reports.

The purpose of the study is to measure the prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, as well as to determine the assessment of risky behavior among labor migrants. It covers Bishkek, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Sokuluk district of Chui region, as well as Nookat district of Osh region.

Kyrgyzstanis aged 18 and over are involved, who over the past two years have been in migration outside the country for three months in order to earn money.

This is the first such research in Kyrgyzstan conducted among labor migrants.
