Unscheduled tax inspections of NGOs continue in Kyrgyzstan

14:29, 02 декабря 2022, Bishkek - uzsushi.com news agency , Darya PODOLSKAYA

Unscheduled tax inspections of NGOs in the country are in full swing. Aziza Abdirasulova, the founder of Kylym Shamy human rights center, announced this at the round table «Interaction between the media and the civil sector of Kyrgyzstan».

According to her, the checks began in November.

Tax inspectors come to human rights organizations and demand a report on all the years of the organization’s existence, asking for information on all criminal cases in which one or another NGO provided legal support.

Aziza Abdirasulova asked the media to actively cover such unfounded checks.

Earlier, the Tax Service denied that they were inspecting NGOs.