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33 driving schools closed in Kyrgyzstan

At least 33 driving schools have been closed in Kyrgyzstan. The head of the Main Traffic Safety Inspectorate Azamat Israilov announced at a meeting of the Committee on Law and Order, Combating Crime and Corruption of Parliament.

According to him, issuance of a license and a driver’s license is controlled by the Main Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

«Now we can check driving schools. In particular, the way cadets attend the driving school is also checked. Only 20 percent of the total number of cadets have passed the exams. We send the rest for retraining. We focus on the quality of education. In total, there were 270 driving schools in the country, 22 of which met licensing requirements. 33 driving schools are closed now. There are also those, licenses of which have been suspended,» Azamat Israilov told.
