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Ministry of Justice intends to liquidate institution of public notaries

The powers of state notaries will be gradually transferred to private ones. The Deputy Minister of Justice Orozbek Sydykov said at a meeting of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, State Structure, Judicial, Legal Issues and Regulations of the Parliament.

The Committee considers a draft law on notaries in the first reading.

According to the official, there is no division into public and private notaries in the world practice.

«We propose to equate the rights of a private notary with a public one, as well as to create a notary’s chamber for development of this sphere. It will have an ethics commission,» he explained.

Private notaries started working in 1998. During that time, 825 licenses were obtained, 357 of which are active. There are 90 public notaries nationwide.

«Notaries are empowered to perform 23 acts, but private notaries can perform 18 out of 23, which means that five are within the competence of state notaries. This creates a monopoly and limits citizens’ right of choice. By gradually transferring all rights to private notaries, we intend to liquidate state notaries institution,» Orozbek Sydykov said.

He noted that last year the budget received 124 million soms from the work of private notaries and 80.6 million soms from public notaries.
