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Special Presidential Envoy to Batken illegally obtains university diploma

The Special Presidential Envoy for restoration and development of border villages in Batken region has a fake diploma of higher education. Press center of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) reported.

Mamyrzhan Rakhimov is the Special Presidential Envoy for the restoration and development of border areas of Batken region. He was appointed to the post on May 14. Previously, he was the mayor of Batken city.

It was found out that in 2004 Mamyrzhan Rakhimov, using a fake academic certificate of study at Batken State University, illegally entered the law faculty of the Jalal-Abad State University.

In 2005, he transferred to the 6th year of study to the Osh State Law Institute.

The use of a fake academic certificate served as the basis for obtaining a diploma of higher education.

The investigative department opened a criminal case under article 379 «Forgery of documents» of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.
