Officials of the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Migration of Kyrgyzstan submitted for public discussion amendments to the law providing for the payment of allowances to victims of political and religious repression, as well as to members of their families.
It is specified that the document was re-approved in the process of inventory.
Thus, issues related to the establishment of the fact of administrative eviction, restoration of labor, housing, pension and other rights of rehabilitated citizens will be addressed by the city and district state administrations. The Cabinet of Ministers will instruct to form regular commissions in them.
If a rehabilitated person dies (only if he or she is registered by such a commission — Note of news agency), allowance will be paid to his or her family members according to the procedure established by the Cabinet.
It is specified that if a rehabilitated person became disabled as a result of repressions or is a pensioner, he or she also has the right to compensation and is issued a single standard certificate. The certificate is also approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.