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Safe City: Drivers in Bishkek and Osh fear personal data leak

More than 75 percent of drivers in Bishkek and Osh cities fear that their personal data within Safe City project may be stolen and used. Representatives of Civil Union NGO said at a round table in the capital of Kyrgyzstan.

The personal data of citizens in Safe City automated information data system are not sufficiently protected due to legal gaps and the human factor.

The main vulnerability of the system is people who can use the access for illegal purposes, so more internal protective measures need to be envisaged.

According to experts, adoption of measures on protection of personal data dragged on for several years, since they were tied to the emergence of a separate authorized body, which de facto does not work yet.

«The issues of liability for violation of the requirements of the legislation of officials who have access to personal data, including within the framework of Safe City, have not been sufficiently resolved. The launch of facial recognition technology took place before the legal framework for its use was established. Despite assurances from government agencies that the use of face recognition has nothing to do with databases of personal data, it is highly likely that there is or will be integration in the future,» they said.
