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Poachers kill maral in Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve

Poachers killed a maral in Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve. The Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of Kyrgyzstan reported.

According to it, a group of persons was found yesterday in Tuura-Aryk area, who were butchering the carcass of an illegally shot 5-year-old male maral.

«The violators are four residents of Arkyt village, Aksy district. No firearms were found during a personal search and search of the territory. The skin, head and carcass of the animal were seized as material evidence. Materials on the fact of illegal shooting of the endangered animal were sent to law enforcement agencies,» the ministry noted.

The ministry reminded that maral is included in the endangered-species list. The fine for illegal hunting of an animal is 1 million soms, and the amount of the penalty is doubled in the specially protected natural areas.