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Sadyr Japarov instructs to complete construction of Altyn Balalyk by June 1

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov visited Altyn Balalyk medical rehabilitation complex. Presidential press service reported.

The head of state got acquainted with the work of the complex and the progress of its construction, examined its medical premises and wards.

The Health Minister Alymkadyr Beishenaliev said that the complex is designed to restore and strengthen the health of children and mothers from remote areas of the country, orphans and low-income families.

Sadyr Japarov noted that each unit of the center should have modern medical equipment, and instructed to accelerate construction and commission the medical rehabilitation complex by June 1, 2022.

The complex was not completed due to lack of money. On March 19, the head of state ordered to start its reconstruction.

A charity marathon was held in October to raise funds for the center. At least 30,090,000 soms have been raised.

The complex consists of 8 units, which is to include allergological, oncological, pulmonological, obstetric and gynecological, pediatric surgery, functional diagnostics and neurological departments. The complex will have bedrooms, clinical laboratories, a catering unit, a laundry room, and a magnetic resonance imager.

The Center for Innovative Cardiac Surgery is successfully functioning at the premises of the complex, where five patients with cardiovascular diseases have been operated on free of charge at the expense of charitable foundations. 42 patients were admitted on an outpatient basis, two received emergency medical assistance. The center is equipped with the necessary medical equipment, which allows conducting the necessary complex of medical and diagnostic procedures.

In the near future, specialists of the Kyrgyz Scientific Human Reproduction Center will receive and consult women with gynecological diseases in the consultative and diagnostic department. Five rooms will function there: ultrasound, manipulation, procedure and two doctors’ offices. «If the complex is fully operational, it will be able to simultaneously admit 500 children with mothers, including those from foreign countries,» the press service noted.

«Children are our wealth. Caring for the health of our young citizens is like laying the foundation for a successful future for the whole country,» the head of state said, stressing the need to create all conditions for providing the children with high-quality medical care.
