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New Safe City cameras to be installed in Bishkek and Tokmak cities

Construction and installation works are being carried out at six intersections in Tokmak city as part of the implementation of the second component of Safe City project. Press service of the Ministry of Digital Development of Kyrgyzstan reported.

«At least 24 constructions (L-shaped supports) are being installed in the city. Each of them is equipped with three cameras: recording traffic violations, overview one and for the flow of vehicles. Work is underway at the intersections of Sarbagysh and Lenin, Shamsinskaya and Lenin, Gagarin and Shamsinskaya, Ibraimov and Dunlarov, Ibraimov and Dubovitskaya, Zhantaev and Shamsinskaya Streets,» the ministry informed.

Installation work was also reportedly started at new intersections in Bishkek: Tynaliev and Masaliev, Toktonaliev and Masaliev, Tokombayev and Zhukeev-Pudovkin Streets.

At the end of May, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers — Minister of Digital Development Azamat Dyikanbaev was detained on suspicion of extortion of money. According to the investigation, he extorted 2.6 million soms for permission to extend implementation of the second stage of Safe City project.

Chinese company Shenzhen Sunwin Intelligent Co. Ltd. won the competition for implementation of the second phase of Safe City project. According to the project, hardware and software systems are to cover 306 points — 266 stationary and 40 mobile ones. The second stage of the project will cover all regions of the republic, 2 cities of republican and 15 cities of regional significance, 73 settlements.
