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Business does not see government support - International Business Council's head

«It is necessary to withdraw the new versions of the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes,» Askar Sydykov, Executive Director of the International Business Council (IBC), said during a roundtable today.

According to him, there are many complaints from business regarding the measure of restraint, investigative actions and other violations. But business does not see support from the state.

«Looking at the new Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code, we see that the Prosecutor General’s Office, instead of dealing with complaints, decided to head them. There was no need to develop a new code. The presidential decrees did not say anything about it. It was necessary to bring some points into line in the Constitution, but there was no need for a new Criminal Procedure Code. It is not the best time for that now,» Askar Sydykov said.

He also noted that business simply does not have time to respond to changes. There is also no hope that the Parliament will not let the dangerous amendments pass.

«The bills are passed in three readings at a time now. Can you imagine what will happen? To develop, discuss and adopt new Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code in three months. It shouldn’t be like that. Let’s not rush, we will discuss everything together, make the necessary amendments,» the head of the IBC said.
