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Kyrgyzstan develops concept of digital economy until 2023

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Ulukbek Maripov held a meeting on digitalization issues. Press service of the government reported.

Ulukbek Maripov noted that digitalization is a global process, a new era. To date, it is one of the global trends, and the practice of introducing new digital technologies is gaining momentum.

«We all understand that the use of modern information technologies is becoming an increasingly important and relevant process, in particular, entry into new foreign markets in order to take a worthy place in the global competitive space in the future,» the head of the Cabinet said.

At the same time, he noted that the digitalization process in the country was going with great difficulties. This is evidenced by complaints and discontent from citizens due to bureaucracy in obtaining public services. To improve the situation, work has begun on a new concept «Digital Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic 2021-2023» aimed at creating a customer-oriented environment.

«We must not forget about basic and infrastructure projects. Particular attention should also be paid to achieving a number of other goals spelled out in presidential decrees and aimed at increasing the availability and quality of state and municipal services for the population, as well as protection and support of business entities,» Ulukbek Maripov stressed.

The Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers focused on the fact that the document under consideration should clearly outline the main priorities on which it is necessary to intensify the efforts of the state. During presentation of the concept «Digital Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic 2021-2023», it was noted that the document includes the main directions, such as digital education and development of human capital in the field of ICT, creation of a sustainable digital infrastructure, construction of Electronic government e-Gov, creation of conditions for development of the digital economy.
