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UN Committee recognizes discrimination against woman in custody

The UN Human Rights Committee recognized that a woman kept in the temporary detention center of the Internal Affairs Department of Jalal-Abad region was discriminated against. The Coalition against Torture in Kyrgyzstan reports.

Discrimination against woman has been recognized internationally for the first time.

This is Roza Gorbaeva, who has spent three years in various temporary detention centers. Recently, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women issued an opinion on this situation.

The organization noted that the woman was discriminated against in the temporary detention centers: she was forced to take a shower and dress in the presence of men, and the cell in which she was kept was 2 X 3 meters in size, and there was an unenclosed WC inside.

«Roza Gorbaeva has been kept in temporary detention facilities for more than three years while the investigation and trial were underway, although, according to the law, the term of detention in a temporary detention facility should not exceed 48 hours, because there are no conditions for such a long stay,» the Coalition Against Torture said.

During these three years, Gorbaeva was kept in six temporary detention centers and, with the help of lawyers from Jalal-Abad human rights organization Spravedlivost (Justice), turned to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, which on December 1 ruled on this complaint.

It states that Kyrgyzstan has failed to fulfill its obligations under nine articles of the Convention and must provide the victim with adequate compensation, including proportionate financial compensation, and ensure the physical and psychological safety of women-prisoners.

Sardor Abdukhalilov, a lawyer at Spravedlivost organization, said that on the basis of the decision, a claim would be filed with the court to recover compensation.
