13:50, 05 марта 2020, Bishkek - uzsushi.com news agency , Elena KHOKHLOVA
Freedom House, an international non-governmental organization, published its annual report Freedom in the World 2020, in which Kyrgyzstan was included in the category of “partly free” countries for the eighth consecutive year.
The level of freedom in the republic was estimated at 39 points out of 100, political rights - 12 points out of 40, civil liberties - 27 points out of 60.
In general, 63 countries were recognized by authors of the report as “partly free,” including Georgia, Ukraine, Abkhazia, Armenia, Honduras, Hungary, and Pakistan.
At least 48 countries and territories were classified as “not free”: Russia, China, Belarus, Turkey, East Donbass, South Ossetia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and other.
According to the report, Syria, Tibet, South Sudan and Turkmenistan have the worst indicators.
The category of “free” countries includes 83 countries. The leaders among them are Finland, Norway and Sweden with 100 points each. They are followed by the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Uruguay, Canada, Denmark, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. The United States were also ranked as “free” country with 86 points out of 100.
According to the report, the level of freedom in the world is declining for the fourteenth year in a row. In 2019, observance of political rights and civil liberties declined in 64 countries, and improved in 37.