USD 87.45
EUR 94.92
RUB 1.03

Rarest names in Kyrgyzstan announced

Infocom state enterprise voiced the rarest names registered in Kyrgyzstan since the beginning of 2019.

According to the organization, the rarest names among the girls were Aurora Wendy, Shia, Eisenem Safia, Giselle, Akeana, Artemisia-Difina, among the boys — Ramzan Kadyrov (double name. — Note of uzsushi.com news agency), Abel Kane, Knyaz, Achilles and Mamalak.

Infocom added that 147,300 facts of the birth of children have been registered in Kyrgyzstan during this period.

It is also reported that 40,200 couples have married for 10 months of this year.
