Kyrgyzstan will have its own halal meal park. Deputies of the Parliament approved ratification of the agreement between the republic, the Islamic Development Bank and the Islamic Corporation on the establishment of a halal meat park in the country.
Donors will provide a grant of $ 380,000, $ 280,000 — IDB, $ 100,000 — Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector.
The feasibility study for the halal park should include various components of the meat processing production chain, from organizing feedlots to packaging of the finished product, as well as sale of halal products.
At least 69 slaughter points and sites have been registered in the republic. But their equipment does not meet modern requirements.
Deputies supported the bill, stressing the prospects for the development of this branch of the food industry.«Kyrgyzstan needs halal products. Why can not we follow the example of Malaysia, where halal park is really halal? They even produce perfumes and colognes without alcohol using essential oils,» said Bakhadyr Suleymanov.
MP Aaly Karashev added that he supported ratification, but indicated that halal products appeared in Kyrgyzstan 10 years ago. He asked how many standards were adopted as part of the halal industry promotion program.
Economy Minister Sanzhar Mukanbetov replied that the country had exported 1,500 tons of meat for $ 4 million in 2018. The carcasses were dressed in accordance with the halal rules.