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Culture Ministry to acquaint young people with great people of Kyrgyzstan

The Ministry of Culture, Information and Tourism of Kyrgyzstan launches a new project «Ozundu Taany» (Know Yourself). Press service of the ministry reported.

The purpose of the project is to popularize prominent representatives of domestic art, sports, literature and other fields that will lead to an increase in the interest of citizens, especially the youth, in the history of the development of culture, and the study of the biography of successful compatriots.

Presentations took place in Kochkor district of Naryn region with the participation of the famous Kyrgyz actor Bolot Tentimishov and in Toktogul district of Jalal-Abad region with participation of the national poet Karbalas Bakirov.

According to the ministry, the youth does not know such great domestic talents as Darkul Kuyukova, Baken Kydykeeva, Muratbek Ryskulov, Alexander Melentyev, Sabira Kumushalieva, Igor Paklin, Akhmed Anarbaev, Kanybek Osmonaliev.

It is also planned to film videos about the great personalities of Kyrgyzstan.

The next events within the framework of «Ozundu Taany» project will be held in Bishkek with the participation of the People’s Artist of the Kyrgyz Republic Salamat Sadykova and in Batken with participation of the national poet Nadyrbek Alymbekov.
