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Investment activity in Kyrgyzstan to be formed through state projects

Investment activity during 2019 and in the medium term will largely be formed through the implementation of state projects financed from external sources. A team of analysts of the Eurasian Development Bank says.

According to them, Kyrgyzstan’s GDP is expected to grow at 4 percent as a result of the year. The indicator will be largely provided by the expansion of gold production. At the same time, under the influence of the restrained dynamics of domestic demand and a weak price situation on world food markets, inflation in 2019 will be 2.1 percent.

«As of today, there is still a decline in the production of petroleum products, food products, wooden and paper products. According to our estimates, the uncertainty in the industrial sector, excluding the gold mining factor, will continue until the operation of refineries resumes,» EDB said.
