USD 87.45
EUR 94.92
RUB 1.03

Inflow of investment from China to Kyrgyzstan decreases by 19% in 2018

Inflow of foreign direct investment to Kyrgyzstan from China in 2018 decreased by 19 percent and amounted to over $ 245 million. The National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyzstan reported.

Despite the decline in investment from China, they still constitute the main share in their total volume. At the end of 2018, they accounted for 43 percent.

The main part of investments from China is directed to the enterprises of processing industries (more than 56 percent), mining (29 percent) and geological exploration (about 15 percent).

«The volume of foreign direct investment compared with 2017 decreased due to their significant reduction in geological exploration — 2.6 times, and mining companies — by 4 percent. At the same time, there was an increase in the inflow of investments in manufacturing enterprises by 4 percent,» the National Statistical Committee stressed.
