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Economy Ministry proposes to resolve business disputes in arbitration court

The Ministry of Economy of Kyrgyzstan proposes to provide for the possibility of resolving disputes between business entities and state bodies through the development of alternative mechanisms. Press service of the Ministry reported.

Together with the business community, the ministry initiated a bill to amend some legislative acts (in investment laws, courts of arbitration, and mediation spheres). The Ministry of Economy believes that the introduction of pre-trial and out-of-court settlement of disputes and reconciliation will improve the business environment in the country. The point is to resolve business and government disputes in an arbitration court.

The arbitration courts are autonomous and independent, not subordinate to any state bodies.

Ministry of Economy

«They are recognized and supported by the state as alternative justice institutions in certain categories of disputes arising from civil law relations. This ensures the prospective development of this form of legal proceedings,» the Ministry of Economy believes.

The law on mediation is proposed to be amended in terms of extending the rights of business entities to the use of out-of-court and pre-trial methods of resolving disputes with state bodies.
